Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cleaning and downsizing

That's what I've been doing in the sewing room for the last month. :/ My husband has decided that he's going to get out of the military and go back to school. Whoo-hoo! I'm actually really excited to be done with the military life. It's been good for our family, but it's time to move on. Unfortunately, he still has a little over a year left before he can get out, and he got orders back to Iraq for another 8 months, leaving in the next couple months. Sooo, the kids and I are moving in with my mom and dad in February, where we'll be until Josh is done with school. (he wants to go to school in Seattle, and we just can't afford for all of us to live there)

That brings us the the cleaning and downsizing. Since most of our stuff will be in storage for about 3 years, we decided that we really needed to downsize, and the easiest place to start is the sewing room....of course. LOL Actually it hasn't been traumatizing at all. In fact it's been pretty liberating, being able to get rid of so much of my fabrics and threads
(I've gotten rid of 97 spools of serger thread so far, and I still have over 50 left! Who on earth needs that many??). I have/had so many fabrics that I love, but unfortunately I loved them so much I couldn't even bring myself to use them (like this huge stash of Heather Ross fabrics). It feels great to be able to rid myself of them, because I know I'll never use them, so they may as well be sold so that someone else can use them (or maybe they'll just horde them too lol). :)

I'm limiting myself to 5 boxes of fabrics that I can keep, and that IT! I have one box for my bamboo jerseys, which I use for sewing my shirts, one box of knit prints, for the kids, one box of wovens, and then 2 long totes that will hold my bamboo fleece and velour that I use for diapers (which I'm still hoping I'll have a need for sometime). That'll still allow me to have enough fabrics and variety that I'll be able to sew anything I want without having to buy any extras.

I've sold quite a bit of stuff on (a sewing forum I'm on), and ebay (for the more valuable stuff), but I've got so much more fabrics to sell that I think I may just list it as one big lot on craigslist. Has anyone had much luck selling or even buying fabrics there?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Eve PJs

One of our family traditions is opening one gift on Christmas Eve. My parents did this with my sister and I, and we've carried it on. However my husband and I streamlined this a little bit by always giving the same gift; pjs to wear that night. :)

Sometimes they have matching pjs, sometimes not. This year I decided to go with matching, because it's been a couple years since we've done it this way.

I found a super cute penguin flannel at JoAnns, and bought was I thought was "more" than enough, and ended up only having about 2 inches left over. :/ At least there was enough though, and I didn't have to hunt down more. I used a different, matching, color of cotton/lycra jersey to make shirts for each of them, so they match, but not too much so. Cortney has pink, Ryley has red, Jacob has green and Jordan has orange.

Please ignore all the string on the floor. It makes the sewing room feel a little more used if I leave them there. :p