Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dipes, dipes and more dipes!

20 diapers in 2 days. I know that may not seem like a lot to some, but wow, I don't think I'll try to do that many again any time soon. Here's 20 size small Very Baby fitted dipes, 10 of them are side snap (my preference) and 10 front snap (my DH's preference). I decided to just go with a natural bamboo interlock for the outer layer that way they're gender neutral, since we don't know if we'll need them for a boy or a girl, or both. :)
Inner layer is OBV, and absorbent layers are bamboo fleece.

Here's a closeup of one of the side snap dipes.
And a closeup of a front snap dipe. I added extra snaps to these after I took the picture, so that I can cross over the front wings to make the waist smaller.


  1. too cute!!!!
    all is needed now is the baby to fill them up. ;-)

  2. I know! Hopefully that will happen soon! ;)
